
Showing posts from July, 2023

"Chandrayaan 3: India's Resilient Leap to the Lunar Frontier

    WHATS A CHANDRAYAAN??? "Chandrayaan 3: India's Resilient Leap to the Lunar Frontier" is a tale of scientific endeavor, technological prowess, and national pride. It is the third lunar mission of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and follows the success of Chandrayaan 1 and Chandrayaan 2. The story of Chandrayaan 3 begins with the resolute spirit of ISRO, India's premier space agency, which has been on a relentless mission to explore space and contribute to scientific advancements. After the successful launch and mission of Chandrayaan 2, which unfortunately encountered a partial setback during its landing attempt on the Moon, ISRO demonstrated unwavering determination to return to the lunar surface. Following the setback of Chandrayaan 2's lander, Vikram, ISRO embarked on a mission to analyze and learn from the experience. They meticulously evaluated the challenges encountered during the landing phase and identified areas for improvement. This rele